Useful Links
Buy Sell or Swap Gymnastic Equipment, Leotards and Jackets
Please see our Facebook Community page and click the 'Join' button to send a request to be added to the Spiralz Facebook Community and see what information members are sharing along with items to buy, sell or swap equipment such as balls, hoops, clubs, ribbons, leftover hoop tape, toe socks/shoes, Spiralz jackets, leotards and much more.

Rhythmic Apparatus/Equipment Retailers

Useful links for buying leotards
Blesk :
Elisa Leotards:
PW Dancewear:
Facebook buy and sell page:

Spiralz sports jacket
These are a requirement when attending a competition to compete.
The Jackets are produced by PW dancewear.
Please contact Head coach Kenna or email to place an order.
Additional details on the competition page

Gymnastics New Zealand