Date Posted
29th Mar 2019

Spiralz Newsletter & Junior Comp Details

Equipment Sale (incl.  Leotards, footwear and apparatus)

We have our annual Buy, Sell and Swap on Tuesday 9th April 2019, this usually runs from 6-7 after an hour of gymnast training and at our usual location of Pukete Neighbourhood House.  We have people coming from Auckland and members can also bring in rhythmic items they no longer need, that another gymnast may love.  Come and check out what is available and bring in any items priced for sale.

Competition dates are available

Please see the table image

Please note that apart from 2 competitions, these are for levels 1-4 only. They are all sanctioned competitions, just not qualifying for Nationals. This means the scores can be used to move up the levels. I have highlighted the dates of the competitions we usually attend.

 Scores for levels 1-3 will not be shown at competitions to keep the girls moral up & have them enjoying the sport rather than focusing on scores. This was decided by Gymnastics New Zealand. Some comps however, may choose to show the scores.

 Competition Reminders

  • Levels 1 & 2 must attend at least one competition
  • Levels 3 plus must attend at least three competitions (the points gained at competitions determine if the gymnast moves up a level at the end of the season)
  • Hoops are provided for level 1 comp, but taping needs to be done yourself
  • Level 2 & over need their own apparatus. 
  • Gymnasts attending competitions to compete must wear the Spiralz Fleece Jacket and black leggings.
  • Gymnasts must be there 1.5 hours before competition time, this gives them time to adequately warm up and feel prepared when their routine is called.  The coaches are also there 1.5 hours early, so this also assists the coaches in doing their job well.
  • A bun is usually the hairstyle of choice, but as long as it is pulled back neatly other styles are acceptable

 All of this information along with links for where to buy equipment, the Spiralz jacket and how to do buns can be found under the ‘Competition’ and ‘Useful Links’ tabs

Also always open to suggestions on how to improve the webpage and our communications if you would like to feedback


The Spiralz Committee